(Prescribed Insanity) Chapter XIV : Lucky Charms



“Khushi do you realize-” Arnav said from between clenched teeth, “-that I was in the middle of my lunch when you texted me about your “urgency”? That I literally left everything and came upstairs thinking that something-”


“Ohho. Tch tch.” Khushi interrupted him, and shook her head in mock regret. “You shouldn’t have left your lunch, no. Why didn’t you tell me? By the way you can bring your plate here and eat. I don’t mind.”


She was greeted with flared nostrils and a flexed jaw in reply. “No, thank you,” Arnav replied, “I would much rather leave for office. Once I find where the hell Di is, that is.”


“Di is still not home?” Khushi asked, surprised.


“Does it look from my face that she is?” he asked back.


“No, from your face it looks like she has eloped with Nihaal Khurrana and right now, somewhere in some temple in Delhi, a priest is tying them into an eternal knot. Geez. Will you relax? She’ll come home okay? She’s older than you. And might I say, much wiser.”


“No you might not.” Arnav snapped back. “And now you shut up and rest, and I’m going downstairs to look for her.”


“Okay, but at least have some water and calm down first,” Khushi said to him in an assuaging voice, pulling her Hello-Kitty bottle from her handbag and extending it towards Arnav with a generous expression on her face.


Needless to say, the offer was not accepted.






Hardly twenty minutes had passed since, when there was a knock on the door and Anjali Singh Raizada barged into the guest room like a forceful gust of wind.


“Oh hi, Di. You’re back,” Khushi said pleasantly.


“Yes Khushi, and I heard you have a really terrible fever. I’m so sorry,” Anjali said, her eyes not on Khushi, but sweeping across the breadth of the room. She looked positively livid. “By the way Khushi, was Chotte here by any chance?”


“I’m fine Di,” Khushi replied, “I have been trying to make everyone understand but they’re hell bent on treating me like a terminally ill patient. And yes, Arnav just left a while ago. You’re looking for him?”


“Oh, I’m looking for him alright,” Anjali said icily as she marched the length of the room, walking to and fro in front of the bed on which Khushi lay. Something about the way her teeth were set together, and her nostrils flared, reminded Khushi of Arnav and in that moment, she could really see the resemblance between the siblings with her own eyes.


“Do you know what kind of a scene he created downstairs a moment ago, Khushi?” Anjali fumed. “Thank God, Nihaal Khurrana had left me at the gate otherwise I can’t begin to imagine how I would have explained Chotte’s behavior to him. And all for what? Because I took a ride from a perfect gentleman who is by the way just as dreamy in real life as he is on television, and that we happened to get a little delayed?  Anyway so what?! Tell me, what is wrong with that? Do you even know how dreamy that delay was? I would tell you Khushi, but right now I’m too furious at Chotte.”


Khushi shook her head sympathetically, allowing the woman in front of her to rant to her heart’s desire.


“And then before I could give him a fine scolding over how he was behaving like I eloped with Nihaal, and stabbed a knife into his back or something, he marched upstairs and has now disappeared. You wait till I find him. He will rue the day he raised his voice at me!”


“Di, do you want water?” Khushi offered, extending her Hello-Kitty bottle again, this time towards Anjali, and the offer was accepted. Anjali walked towards her and mumbled a quick “thank you” and then took a couple of gulps on the water to soothe her temper.


“Do you know Khushi, when Chotte was two years old, he had thrown up in my face once. Have I ever taken any revenge for that? No. But is he grateful for it? Hell, no! I call him “Chotte”. CHOTTE. The name by default means that he is the one who is supposed to be respecting me and not the other way around.”


The bottle had been handed back, and Anjali had resumed pacing across the length of the room. Khushi’s eyes followed her around, as she sat on the bed in the role of a mute spectator.


“But he’s forgetting that he is not the only Raizada in this house,” Anjali said, with pride and determination in her eyes. “In fact between the two of us, I’m the senior Raizada, so by default I am twice as obstinate. I’ll go find him now. And if he comes to your room again, Khushi, you tell him that I have said that one day I’m going to marry Nihaal Khurrana and he can sit and twiddle his thumbs on it for all I care!”


Anjali turned on her heels and marched towards the door.


“Di!” Khushi called out to her. “Will you really?”


Anjali turned around. “Really what?”


“Will you really marry Nihaal Khurrana one day?”


At this, a small smile broke out on Anjali’s face and her eyes sparkled. She chuckled softly. “Yeah right,” she said wryly, “like that’s ever happening! But doesn’t hurt to say it and make Chotte fume a little, does it? Now you rest Khushi, I’ll go downstairs and try to find my brother. Feel better, okay? Oh, and I heard Payal is coming. Great. I can’t wait to share juicy Nihaal Khurrana details with her before Chotte completely ruins the experience for me.”


So saying, Anjali smiled warmly and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.





Five minutes later, there was a loud knock on the door and Arnav stormed inside the guest room.


“Khushi, was Di here?” he asked Khushi, who was back to swinging her feet to and fro in front of her, as she half sat, half lay, on the bed.


“Yes,” she nodded. “And she has said that one day she is going to get married to Nihaal Khurrana and you can sit and twiddle your thumbs on it if you want to. I must say, by the way – you are like, really bad at disaster management.”


“Like hell she will,” Arnav said through clenched teeth, and turned around to storm out of the door once again.






At the next knock, Khushi didn’t even bother craning her neck forward to see who it was. It turned out to be Devyani Raizada.


“Bitiya,” the matriarch of the Raizada household asked her gently but in a concerned voice. “I hate to disturb you but have either of my grandchildren been to this room by any chance?”


“Actually both of them were just here, Naniji,” Khushi replied with a sympathetic smile on her face. “Separately, of course. And then both went off looking for the other.”


Devyani Raizada shook her head in disappointment. “Who would say these two are grown-ups? They still fight like they did more than two decades ago. And you bitiya, what must you be thinking of us. Here you came in the hope of some rest, and we can’t even provide you with fifteen minutes of peace in this madhouse.”


Khushi laughed and shook her head dismissively. “Not at all Naniji. If anything, this source of entertainment is highly welcome. I am not a person who does well in isolation when sick. I don’t know what to do with myself while on bed-rest. As for the sibling fights, trust me I have a sister so I know very well how the equation works. When Jiji and I were kids, we used to pull each other’s braids with both hands in a fight and whoever managed to bring the other down and onto the floor in the process was declared the winner.”


If that imagery disturbed Devyani Raizada, she did not let it show on her face. With the exception of a slight crease between her brows that smoothed itself out seconds after its appearance on her forehead, she remained her graceful self and smiled back warmly in Khushi’s direction.


“So I suppose you wouldn’t mind if I sat with you for a few moments and catch my breath, bitiya?” she asked Khushi.


After Khushi’s assurance that she would, in fact be very grateful for some company, Devyani Raizada made herself comfortable in the wicker chair placed by the door. The seventy year old was known for her calculated decision making skills, and not even the simple act of catching a few breaths in a guestroom before she headed downstairs to pull her squabbling grandchildren apart was without ulterior motive. She had, after all, been meaning to have a tete-a-tete with Khushi Kumari Gupta for a while now.


“I hope Chotte didn’t give you a hard time on the way here, bitiya,” Devyani said, fixing her clever gaze upon the girl now sitting cross-legged on the bed in front of her. “He hardly ever bothers himself with people, but the few that he does care for, he tends to obstinately obsess over them. Quite enough to suffocate them with all the hovering around and attention, in fact.”


Devyani watched with quiet, mild, amusement as twin spots of pink appeared on Khushi’s cheeks at the implication that she was one of those “few” that Arnav cared for. They disappeared soon enough, but not without catching notice of a sharp pair of eyes.


“No Naniji,” Khushi said, shaking her head in the negative. “I mean, there was a lot of jaw clenching, teeth grinding, shouting, blackmailing, and obstinacy involved but I think he was just unnecessarily worrying over my fever- which to be honest with you, is seriously not that bad.”


Devyani Raizada now grinned on the inside. The girl certainly didn’t mince her words. Perfect. On the outside, however, she feigned worry and concern.


“Tell me about the jaw clenching and teeth grinding bitiya. Somedays I worry for his teeth, I really do. Good that you’re there to take care of that bit at least. But what do I do with this boy. What is it that he needs, I wonder?”


Khushi, ever ready to give a piece of her mind on every existing topic in the universe, immediately blurted out- “Yoga, Naniji. I think he needs yoga.”


And now, Devyani Raizada who was amused to no end at the suggestion, burst out into full fledged laughter.


“Yoga you say, han? Very well, bitiya. Very well. Have you ever suggested it to him?”


“No, but I will,” Khushi confidently replied.


“Please make sure I am around when you do,” Devyani said, a grin firmly plastered on her face. “But you know what would also help?”


“What?” Khushi asked, now properly invested in this conversation revolving around Arnav Singh Raizada.


“I think it would do him well to fall in love. I hear people lose their minds and gain their sanity quite simultaneously while falling in love. Don’t you think?”


At this Khushi chuckled. “Imagine Arnav Singh Raizada falling in love!” she guffawed, “I would love to be around to see that miracle if it were to ever happen!”


“Well I’m counting on you to be around bitiya,” Devyani said suggestively, and yet so quickly changed the topic in the next breath that Khushi hardly had time to dwell on what she had said. “Anyway forget all this, what about you bitiya?” she asked, “I’m sorry if I’m being an annoying intrusive grandma right now, but it’s the age you see. Do you have anyone in your life? I am sure you must, such a wonderful, pretty girl you are.”


Khushi blushed slightly, then shook her head in the negative. “No Naniji, I’m not seeing anyone. I mean, I have had boyfriends in the past- one second- I’m sorry if you-”


“Oh no, no bitiya. You can talk to me about boyfriends. Don’t go by my age- we old ones need to learn how to catch up with the times. Even my Anjali has dated before. So you were saying?”


With that green flag waved, Khushi proceeded without hesitation. “I have had boyfriends Naniji, three to be precise. Two in high school and one in college. All three of them however have lasted for one week, two weeks, and three weeks respectively. I’m almost expecting my next romantic engagement to be of sharp four weeks given the trend.”


“Heaven forbid!” Devyani interjected immediately.


“No seriously Naniji. I have the worst luck in men. So my first one left because MJ- you know our neighbor’s dog Manohar Jha?- Yes, so MJ bit him in the calf and he broke up with me via text the next day. The next one- well, I baked a cake for him for his birthday and after tasting it he kind of spiraled out of my orbit very fast. And the college boyfriend I broke up with on my own initiative. You would not believe what he did, Naniji.”


“What bitiya?” Devyani asked, properly curious and equally concerned by now.


“One day we were heading for home on a bus and I had been talking for forty five minutes straight, and when I stopped to catch for breath I realized he had plugged in ear plugs inside his ears and had not listened to a word I said all the while. When I confronted him about it, he said I talk too much. Me! Can you imagine that Naniji? I have never felt so insulted my entire life, so I left him. That lasted for three weeks, but that was probably because I didn’t discover the ear plugs sooner. After that I decided that I was quite done with men, and I said no to everyone who approached me since.”


Devyani Raizada managed to stifle the laughter in her throat with great difficulty.


“That…is very sad bitiya. Good that you dumped him. A man who cannot talk to you without ear plugs, does not deserve you at all.”


“Thank you Naniji. Although you know what Jiji says? She says that I am such an item that the universe will need decades between my first meeting with a guy and him falling in love with me, because that is how long it takes to come to terms with who I am.”


She said this with such a sorrowful and cute pout, that Devyani Raizada felt her heart flutter out towards the girl. If there had been any doubts in her head, they were wiped clean now. Khushi’s squeaky clean honesty and innocence, made Devyani yearn for the story that was unfolding before her own eyes to quickly pick pace. She rose from her chair with a smile. “Well then lets hope that a couple of decades are enough for the universe.” The suggestive remark was yet again brushed away with a quick “and you must definitely rest now bitiya. I have disturbed you quite enough in illness. I will send someone up to let you know once your sister is here.” So saying, she turned around and headed out of the door, feeling happier and more relieved than she had in a long time.






The next time there was a knock on the door, Khushi considered leaving it wide open once and for all. Clearly the Raizadas made no difference between guest rooms and living rooms. The door was pushed open and Arnav’s face emerged from behind.


“Hello again Mr. Raizada. Who are you looking for now? Seriously, you guys need one of those Hogwarts Marauder’s maps in your house given how no one seems to be able to locate anyone else.”


“I’ve come to tell you that Payal is here,” Arnav replied, ignoring her unwelcomed advise per usual.




“No, the piece of jewelry. Of course your sister. Which other Payal-”


“Oh my God can you answer a simple question without sarcasm? I just asked because I’m surprised she is here already- I had thought it would have taken her longer. But great, I can leave now,” she said, straightening herself on the bed and pulling her handbag towards herself.


“No you stay here. I’ll tell Payal to come see you here.”


“And what? Jiji will carry me in her arms downstairs? Have you seen my Jiji Mr. Raizada? Sometimes she has tumbled on the ground while carrying a basket of laundry.”


Arnav rolled his eyes. “I meant she can come and see for herself if you are fit to go back just yet. Otherwise you can just wait for the fever to come down a little in an hour or so and then leave. You’ve just had Paracetamol. No point harassing yourself for no reason-”


Arre, why would I lie here when my perfectly good bed is waiting for me at home? And I’m not so weak and sick that I can’t even walk. I have run races in school with a fever, Arnav. Like I said, it’s all just inside the brain. Watch me.”


So saying, Khushi slipped her arm through her handbag and energetically swung her legs from the bed to the floor. Then in just as abrupt a movement, she stood to her feet and began marching across the wide length of the Raizada guestroom towards the door.


For all her big talk, Khushi Kumari Gupta’s body was after all a human body that was just about done with her shit and decided to revolt against the nonsensical torture she was inflicting upon it in a state where it needed rest and care. She had barely managed to reach the door, when the world began to swim in front of her eyes. Every object (including a certain Mr. Raizada standing at the door) immediately split into two, and danced in a see-saw movement in her line of vision. The handbag slipped from her hand and onto the floor as Khushi tried to grab at the nearest object of support to steady herself lest she fainted in a heap onto the floor. When she clutched onto nothing but thin air, she retracted her hands and pressed them on to her temples in the hope of clearing her vision.


The next thing she knew, she felt something solid wrap around her in a rigid grip and felt pulled into an embrace against a solid, warm wall, the support of which she gladly welcomed at that moment and her palms involuntarily fisted into what felt like the lapels of a shirt. She blinked rapidly, forcefully in a desperate attempt to clutch at the remnants of consciousness, and just as she did, she felt herself scooped up into the same solid arms that had wrapped themselves around her moments ago. As an involuntarily, feeble “oomph!” left her mouth in a gasp, she found herself raised a good length above the ground, and staring into a pair of honey colored eyes which were looking intently into her own.


She blinked again, and the face in front of her became clearer.


“I’m fine, I’m fine. I didn’t faint. Thank you,” she said, weakly.


“You were right,” he bent his head and whispered into her right ear. “It’s all in the brain. Too bad you don’t have one.”


If that couldn’t snap Khushi back into proper consciousness, nothing could. She let out an offended gasp and narrowed her eyes at him.


“Excuse me? First of all, you are supposed to wait for a person to faint before you lift them off their feet like this. If you had just waited, you would have seen that I wouldn’t have fainted and would’ve managed to stay on my feet. You didn’t give me time before pulling off a Clark Kent on me.”


“If I would have waited, you would be lying unconscious, horizontally on the floor,” he replied, his arms still holding her steadily within their confines.


“I would not,” Khushi snapped back, trying very hard to ignore the sudden appearance of flutters inside her stomach. “And look what you did- all my stuff is now on the floor. And Pingu I think has rolled himself underneath the bed.”


“I’m sorry, what?”


“Pingu the penguin. My penguin which was till moments ago inside my handbag.”


“Okay I have to ask,” Arnav said giving in to his curiosity finally, “in as few words as possible, what the hell was a penguin doing inside your bag?”


“Oh, that. Well, it all started some ten years ago-”


“Khushi I said as few words as possible.”


“Oho I’m trying to give you proper context. Shut up and listen. So ten years ago I went to this annual fair with Jiji, Maa and Baba and there was this contest going on where if you hit a certain score on the dart, you could take home a stuffed animal with you-”


(Arnav, now, had begun moving with her towards the bed.)


“-and I was losing every single time. One ticket cost like forty rupees and I had exhausted some four hundred rupees without any luck. And then suddenly the guy who was organizing the contest keeps Pingu at the desk in front of me and says “Madamji, this is the smallest soft toy we have available. Just try to win this. If its lucky for you, and if it’s meant to be yours, the dart will hit correctly this time”. So-”


“Khushi you know what? Stop talking. You will worsen your fever again. Tell me later, if you must,” Arnav said, now having reached the foot of the bed.


“-Oho listen quietly. This is the interesting part. So I hit the dart and what do you know? Guess, guess. That’s right, sir- straight to the bull’s eye! I have rarely ever been as ecstatic with joy, and allow me to tell you, I am ecstatic with joy very often. That was the day I realized that this penguin is lucky for me-”


“Khushi, quiet.” Arnav instructed, more strictly this time for nobody’s benefit since it had absolutely zero effect on the audience. He leaned lower towards the bed, taking her along with him, aligning her head towards the pillow.


“-Yes I’m almost done. So I realized that this penguin is lucky for me, and boy have I been proven right. Time and again, whenever this penguin has been near and around me, wonderful things have happened in my life. Guess who was around me when I checked every single entrance exam results that I have ever made through? That’s right. Guess who was in my bag the first time I got a client into the clinic on my own name? Him. Guess who was around when I finished my first critical dental surgery successfully? Again, him. Guess who was around when I-”


“Khushi,” she heard the raspy sound of her name and stopped mid-speech to look into eyes inches away from her, that had an expression in them very different from the high-handed, rebuking, tone of his voice. Arnav’s one hand was now trapped between her and the bed as he lowered her into it, and with the other, he raised a finger towards his lips in a gesture to silence her.


“Shhh. I said, shhh. Stop talking.” he whispered, close to her face.


So close.


Khushi swallowed forcefully, words dying on her lips as the sudden awareness of his presence inches away from her, and his arms still stuck underneath her back, dawned upon her in full measure. Her eyelashes fluttered in dazed confusion and she opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly, nothing seemed to come out. The deafening sound of her heartbeat was all she could hear at that moment, as her eyes trailed from his eyes to where his index finger was placed on his lips in a silencing gesture. As her gaze drifted south, his own eyes followed them and he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing inside his throat. The smell of jasmine fused with woody fragrance of his cologne and left them both breathless in the next instant.


If after two decades, something had remained unchanged, it was a certain Arnav Singh Raizada’s ability to silence a certain Khushi Kumari Gupta in the embrace of his arms. From the time near the cradle, when he had effectively shushed her wailing, to now, some two decades later when he had effectively shushed her endless speech, Mr. Raizada seemed to have a few silencing tricks up his sleeve (which time would tell that he had only just begun to explore).


Oh, and guess who happened to be around again? If only lucky stuffed penguins could smile, there would have been one widely grinning penguin underneath the bed in the Raizada guestroom.





Hola friends! How is everyone doing? I was sick myself the last week (talk about coincidences am I right?) and therefore haven’t been able to respond to all your comments on the last update of Untold Stories yet. I have however, gone through them all and will take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being thoughtful enough to spare a few moments of your time after reading the updates, to leave your thoughts and footprints behind.  

Also, I have been receiving quite a few pings regarding Unexpectedly Expected and when I plan to make it available here on the blog. UE is available on IndiaForums at the moment, and once I find the time to do the minimum formatting required to make it presentable for the blog, I’ll publish it here too. Unfortunately not getting the time for it while shuttling between two stories as of now :/

How did you like the chapter, btw? Eagerly waiting to hear from you! Tell tell. Or as SRK said in Main Hoon Na-

“Khamosh kyun ho, jo bhi kehna hai kaho,

Dil chahe jitna, pyaar utna maang lo,

Tumko milega utna pyaar, main hoon na” 😉 

[So, kiska hai ye tumko intezaar? Silent readers, are you listening? Hehehe.]

164 thoughts on “(Prescribed Insanity) Chapter XIV : Lucky Charms

    1. All through this update, there was one song that was constantly playing in the back of mind (and I am sure, Arnav’s as well 😁) –

      Tujhe tak tak tak takte rehna
      teri bak bak bak sunte rehna
      kaam-kaaj sab bhool bhula ke
      tere piche piche chalte rehna
      ee to hai waste of time
      love is a waste of time
      pyaar vyaar waste of time
      karna hai waste of time
      I want to waste my time

      Inspite of all the jaw clenching, teeth grinding, shouting and blackmailing, Arnav does enjoy Khushi’s non-stop bak bak. I can say that with confidence, because not only did he (even once) think of using earphones, but he himself provides fodder for her incessant chatter. You tell me, was it really necessary to ask about Pingu when the girl almost fainted in his arms? I am telling you, he may not accept even at gun point, but Arnav loves her jabbering. Naniji is absolutely right – A man who cannot talk to Khushi without ear plugs, does not deserve her at all, which in other words…well, I don’t need to spell that out 😊

      Khushi should pay close attention to what Payal says. That girl seems to predict future at the most inconspicuous moments. “Marry him” or “the universe will need decades between Khushi’s first meeting with a guy and him falling in love with her”. At least Nani seems to have picked up on it.

      Who knew, along with special care for the ill, Raizada house also provided entertainment to them, that too “Muft! Muft! Muft!!!” (Couldn’t resist that one 😁) It was absolutely hilarious how everyone kept barging into the guest room expecting the other to be there. Complete golmaal hain bhai sab golmaal hain scenario! I think it was more to chit chat with the occupant of the room, rather than finding the person they were trying to find.

      Khushi’s Pingu is indeed very lucky. The moment he rolled out of her purse, she landed in the arms of her childhood majnu. Loved the last paragraph about Arnav being able to sush Khushi right from the cradle. I want to know what other silencing techniques he will come up with 😉 Just like Nani said, two decades are enough for the universe to progress from sushing her in the cradle to cradling her in his arms!

      The chapter was absolutely hilarious, Sabi. You did complete justice to the plot with your witty & funny writing. I could literally imagine the whole scene play out in front of my eyes, including everyone’s expressions and rolling of eyes 🙂

      Liked by 12 people

      1. What apt lyrics for a businessman who seems to have nothing better to do 😂Also, funny you should mention the Golmaal lyrics, G. I was just wondering today that Golmaal hai bhai sab golmaal hai actually kind of perfectly summarizes the entire plot of PI 😛 If I hadn’t chosen Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” already as the theme song in my head, I think this would have been the next choice. 😂
        Thank you for the lovely comment as always, G!! *Hugs* 😘🥰

        Liked by 4 people

        1. Seedhe raste ki ek tedhi hi chaal hain 😉
          Does the businessman in question realize he is not going to get any work done for rest of the day? I have a feeling AR’s furniture and stationary is going to get another close evaluation 😁

          Liked by 2 people

      2. Hey Gauri, I must admit that apart from Sabi’s awesome updates your analysis is what I wait for! As usual spot on and very entertaining.
        Much love

        Liked by 2 people

    1. So this chapter is about the stuffed penguin Khushi carried in her bag? It had a story? Can’t wait to read. The penguin picture is beautiful. Wanted to say this before proceeding to read.

      Liked by 3 people

        1. Righto! Was Pingu around when Arnav walked in with Anjali for the first time at her clinic? He has to. That was JWM moment. Khushi Kumari Gupta met Arnav Singh Raizada.
          Devyani thinks RM is mad house, I think she hasn’t visited Gupta Manor unannounced on a weekend.They are all made for each other.
          Old habits die hard. The RM wasis have a habit of barging into someone’s room. They did not forget the tradition. Poor Khushi could not take rest even for a moment, but she got plenty of entertainment in exchange. And she gave all the necessary information to Devyani to take her grandson’s relationship to next level. I am sure she will aid the couple in realising their feelings. Devyani needs to make sure that this relationship lasts forever not just 4 weeks as prophet Khushi predicted.
          Anjali in a fit rage announced that she will marry NK and see how Arnav stops her? I think Khushi will pursue this topic until Anjali gives in. Payal is downstairs. What is taking her so long to come upstairs? Is Akash here by any chance to side track Payal?
          Arnav has managed to silence Khushi as his Nani anticipated.
          Can Pingu baba cast his spell and make them kiss? or is someone going to come through that door to satyanash the moment?
          Lovely update.

          Liked by 6 people

          1. “Devyani thinks RM is mad house, I think she hasn’t visited Gupta Manor unannounced on a weekend.”- Hahaha! Well said 😂
            Oooh your comment about Raizadas and the habit of barging into rooms reminded me of those super frustrating times when OG Arnav and Khushi’s Rabba Ve moments were mercilessly cut short by constant interruptions making us viewers want to pull our hair out in frustration!!
            Thank you, Raji! 😘❤️

            Liked by 3 people

    1. The first thing I do, when FFs that I love are updated is to check the length! As silly as it may seem, I scroll till the end and then do a quick happy dance. Along with of course reserving my spot. So this update was definitely a lengthy one and I couldn’t be happier about it. Thank you.

      Also, hoping you are better now. Get well soon! Loads of love!

      About the update! Whatte fun update. All crazy guys and fighting for who might be the craziest! Of course people would say, is there even a competition, it has to be Khushi. But, just scroll up and see. All equally crazy! Especially walking in and walking out of the room in the pretext of searching for a full ass grown person! 🤷 Where is he/she going to hide? Under the bed or behind a curtain? Kuch bhi!

      Naani is the smartest! She’s like our spokesperson! She brings out everything that we need to know! 🤣🤣 Thank you Naani!

      And these two! They almost had their almost kiss wala scene. Ushooo! And boy how much does she talk! I’m sure once they are together he’s just going to kiss her every time he wants to shut her up!

      Also, about that penguin! Did our hero actually help her from behind and in her excitement she completely missed a dart that came from right behind her? Coz he suddenly seemed to be cautious.

      Let’s see what’s the other POV


      Liked by 3 people

  1. With People barging in the room every few minutes, how is Khushi expected to rest? She could not rest but her mouth got a proper workout. Thank you for another humourous update.
    Hope you are fully recovered.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. You are so awesome.. this is so beautiful. I cannot imagine anyone like Khushi.. Khushi narrating Penquin story is mind-blowing 😂😂
    she is one masterpiece.. I wonder who she is inspired from 🤔😉
    Arnav – Anjali is very very funny too.. thank you so much for giving us this story.. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Ram milaye jordi ,this is. No,actually rab ne banadi family. Ak se barkar ak weirdos. Par Pingu is the icing on the cake. The chapter is so amusing that it will evoke gales of laughter among all your readers Sabi. Maja aa gaya.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Hey Gauri, Imagine Khushi is about to deliver a baby, Arnav Chote is having anxiety attack and Our lady is talking 19 to the dozen. Baba shabhal payega? Muh me ongli kaam korega? Hahhah

        Liked by 4 people

        1. OMG!!! 😍😍😍
          That is such a cute thought Pompi 👶🏼👼🏼
          I think it will be the doctors who will have a tough time between a non-stop chattering woman in labor on one hand and a nervous yet super frustrated husband on the other 😂🤣

          Liked by 3 people

    1. I’ll give him some more time, at the end of which “Pingu the Penguin” will have enough material to write few best sellers😄. It’s good Mr. Raizada’s future features a dentist, that grinding of teeth is only going to increase😅, maybe it’s not needed, he seems to have a few tricks up his sleeve😂
      P.S: Nani is the best!

      Liked by 7 people

  4. Not the Guptas, the Raizadas are totally crazy, a mad house LOL. Well good that Khushi got her dose of entertainment. Arnav is really overacting with NK-Anjali thing. I am so glad anjali gave him back. after-all she is a raizada too correction Senior Raizada.

    Nani is trying too hard to match-mix ArHi. She was happy that Khushi has no BF right now and got scared to know her ex-relationship duration ROFL. Don’t worry Arnav and Khushi is made for each other since the cradle.

    That last moment , I can hear it, Rabba Ve……. thanks to Khushi’s Lucky Pingu.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Hi Sabi…what a hilarious update…Pingu’s story is awesome…The whole Raizada and Gupta family are crazy except Arnav…but because of Kushi’s influence he will also become crazy….still laughing like crazy…Thanks Sabi for giving us such a wonderful and a hilarious update…Take care

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Of course all credit must go to pingu the penguin for bringing this situation around. The revolving door to the room resulted in a nice dose of entertainment for Khushi and for us.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh thank god you updated!,,, and what an update. Loved it😍. Khushi’s room was more like a railway waiting room with everyone barging in and out. Hilarious. Oh and Pingu, my favourite, please work your special magic with this adorable couple.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh , forgot to wish you a speedy recovery in my excitement. Are you hoping for a Dr. Raizada? You will have to write another story based on that dear 😂

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Yet another hilarious update from you in spite of being unwell. RM is nothing short of being labelled as a mad house and its inmates are equally mad.😂😂
    OMG can’t imagine Arnav 😡 was pacing up and down in kushi’s room behaving like a father whose teenage daughter has gone on a first date with a boyfriend when he heard Anji had not returned from her romantic drive with NK.
    So also When Anji heard abour Arnav’s anger because she returned late her BP shot up was ready to settle scores with him minus a gun and our cute dentist who had gone to recoup and rest in RM courtesy high fever offered her cute hello kitty water bottle to Anji to soothe her throat. Kushi had a gala time watching one or the other inmate of RM marching into her room unannounced.
    Of all the people who intruded kushi’s privacy Nani was the best she came in to check if kushi does have a boyfriend also does she have a soft corner for her grandson or rather as in hindi we say (kya aag dono taraf barabar lagi hai kya) she was quite satisfied I think she has realized this daton ka doctor is the perfect match for my stubborn grand son as she had the perfect solution for him (yoga)🧘‍♂️ to control his anger.
    Last but not the least Arnav had to chew his brains while listening to the kushi’s narration about Pingu the penguin🐧 when he caught her before she could faint and fall on the ground. He could manage to silence her.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. hahahaha….
    Pingu, THE Penguin…….
    Its so refreshing to read Insanity…
    It is going to be interesting to see how they come close to each other….
    on a side note, hope you are feeling well now!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Khushi could hardly rest with each one of them barging into the guest room 😀

    Arnav is not going to send Khushi easily with Payal 🤔
    Khushi was fainting one minute , the next minute she is cradled in the arms of ASR🤩
    She doesn’t give break to her mouth , looks like Arnav has no choice but to shut her up 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Im grinning on behalf of the penguin😉 only arnav can silence khushi😜 and maybe he’ll use better ways in the near future😉 khushi’s banter with devyani was too cute! Im shipping anjali and nihaal khurana….

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Lol! Incorrigible chatter box khushi, sayani nani, this chapter was so much fun to read. Do tell what happened between nk and di…are they smitten? I want to listen to di’s conversation with payal

    Liked by 1 person

  13. As always amazing chapter both siblings Tom n Jerry chase n fight was too good n Anjali is right she is elder than her brother so some respect towards her is much needed n her comment on elope n marry Nihaal Khurrana was cherry on the top n at the end the way khushi told her penguin story n how it is so lucky for her several times n had an important role in her success was hilarious n I think Arnav stopped her rant with a kiss I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Of course I am laughing. You always make my day better 😁
    little kitty and even the Penguin made more then an appearance. So did cool nani…armed with more info what will she now tell her grandson 😁

    Khushi ..this forever teeth grinding Arnav loves the milk you pour on the cereal or your special gooey custard, he snarls better to scare MJ and he only needs himself no earplugs for you to become tongue tied…so this bf will last not weeks but a life time 😁

    Assuming you are better now Sabi. Have a wonderful weekend 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Relatively new to the Arshi world but of all that I have read so far, your handle of comedy is the best. Ridiculously hilarious, prescribed insanity it is.
    Thank you for sharing your amazing work.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. The chapter was too short, Sabi. I want more! How I love this story. Loved the ‘rabba ve’ moment! I love Pingu the penguin( isn’t there a cartoon character called Pingu the penguin?) The comings and goings in Khushi’s room were hilarious. How I wish I could be there if and when Anjali marries NK! Arnav is surely going to rue the day his sister met the guy. Nani is the BEST. I love her.
    Hope you are fully recovered from your bout of fever! Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! There’s a series called “Pingu” that used to air on Pogo channel and I was absolutely in love with it 😂 So much so that I had named my personal stuffed penguin “Pingu” as well 😛
      Thank you so much, and yes, I’m all well now. It’s very kind of you to ask 🙂


  17. Hello Sabi di, welcome back & hope you are feeling much better now. Loved the chapter so much. It was hilarious. I am telling you .. you are the queen of writing rom-coms. Anjali and Arnav 😂 They kept coming back and forth to the guest room, rant about each other to khushi and then go back! ROFL! Naniji is just awesome, never have I seen such smart and cool Nani. She can’t wait for khushi bitya and Chote lovestory to start! Also Khushi’s three boyfriends break-up stories were so funny! & Lastly the ending .. sigh.. what do I say. I faint everytime these two get closer. ☺️ love is blossoming between these two childhood sweethearts!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. You outdo yourself with every update Sabi. Kudos to you !!!!!!

    And kudos to Arnav too for having survived all the 3 reasons due to which Khushi had to break up with her earlier boyfriends, namely MJ, her cooking and her talking. Arnav is indeed a superstar to have not only survived these but he has aced them too. Though MJ is jealous of him. but then Khushi is making sure MJ does not attack Arnav. And Arnav is already a fan of Khushi’s cooking and he surely knows how to make Khushi forget words. So three cheers to the winner!!!!

    And this update was totally dramatic in every possible way. I was imagining the guest room as the drama stage. With Khushi being the constant person on the stage, other people were dropping in and out and telling us audience about what was happening in the Raizada mansion at that particular time.

    And was Pingu the script writer, I wonder!!!!

    What next adventure has Pingu planned in Khushi’s life? Will Payal witness this Rabba ve moment between her sister and Arnav? Or even best both Anjali and Payal should see this.

    I am also curious to know if NK has Anjali’s number now. Will he message her and ask her to meet him again? And where is Akash? Payal is here in RM and Akash is not there!!!! Oh no!!!!!

    Superb update Sabi.

    Hope you are feeling better now.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Hope you are feeling better now. Update is totally awesome and all raizada’s walking into khushi room asking for one another is hilarious. Waiting for the next update.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Sabi! It was hilarious 😂 I loved it sooo much… It was really funny that none of the raizadas found each other in their own house…. I so love this firebrand anjali! I wish with all my heart that she should get nihaal khurana as she dreams.
    Kushi and her stories are so hilarious and I wonder what wouldn’t have been arnav’s reaction had he heard her 3 boyfriend story 🤣 Nani is such a sly woman! I think she should do something about kushi “being around” to witness arnav falling in love…
    My favorite line in this chapter was kushi offering hello Kitty water bottle to arnav and ” the offer was not accepted”. Imagine arnav drinking from a hello Kitty bottle🤣🤣
    The last part was ultimate 👌🤟 I wonder when will arnav start exploring the other ways of silencing kushi?😁😝
    Hope you are doing well now. Curiously I did wonder what kind of person you are when you fall sick ?!😀
    Cheers 👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Kaveri! 🤗 LOL. To answer your question, I am the kind of person who whines and complains, and whines and complains, rinse and repeat, when sick. I just keep informing everyone how unfair life is and how bad things happen to good people (bad thing=fever. good people= me :P) till they are so sick of me that they don’t even care anymore.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol.. I had put my bet on you being that! I don’t know why😁 I think you should put someone who would Google about their symptoms and run to doctors with the list of diseases they might have 😝 I had been that person and honestly trying to change after ppl gave up on my insanity 😁

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sorry for the late reply. It so ironically happened that I fell sick myself and was away from here for a while. Also, LOL. You are the googler, are you? I never dare. The kind of things Google suggests for simple things like cough and cold, would give someone a heart attack!

          Liked by 1 person

  21. Another Amazing hillarious Update Sabi.

    Wondering Raizada siblings don’t have any place to hide other than the guestroom where Khushi is supposed to be resting because both come there looking for the other. It is like all Guptas and Raizadas are competing with each other to showcase themselves who is crazier.

    Khushi should be awarded for her talking. For a person being sick, she can talk nineteen to a dozen and expect for some entertainment just because she can’t lay down for some time and Raizada siblings provide her that. Both Khushi and Anjali have the same thought about eloping and getting married to NK. Anjali reciting about Arnav’s throwing up incident during his childhood and didn’t take revenge for it is funny.

    Nani is already planning to see her grandson and Khushi together after hearing Khushi’s breakups not knowing Arnav already passed all the categories which Khushi mention. Though MJ is jealous of Arnav, he never attacked him. Arnav is already a fan of Khushi’s cooking and feels like heaven for him be it either the cornflakes prepared by Khushi with extra care and love or the custard which he enjoyed it very much. In spite of having less patience and lots of tempers, Arnav still hears Khushi’s blabbering without his earplugs on and when it comes to Khushi he has all the patience in the world and also knows how to shush her up.

    Though Arnav regrets asking Khushi the story behind her having Pingu in her back, he listens to her and loved how Khushi narrated the whole script behind it. The whole incident where Khushi feels dizzy and she asking Arnav to wait till the person faints is so hillarious. It is true Sabi, only Arnav has the ability to shush Khushi be it her cradle days or now, grown-up girl after two decades. There is something magic is in his arms where he does the impossible to possible.

    Eager for the next one

    Hope you are doing well now Sabi.
    Take care


    Liked by 2 people

  22. Hey , once again a total guffaw full update 😆😆….the myriad of scenes the
    guest room n its dull ceiling have witnessed in these few moments, it’s no more boring n just ready for the most entertaining romcom ….. .N now if one could even call it a guest room , where terminally ill patients are needed to rest n recuperate 😜 . But our khushi is in for just the right type of entertainment she needs while being sick n that too from the one n only , correction here.. two n only 😜 teeth grinders , jaw clenchers , fuming nostril flarers , the famous 😆, Raizada siblings. The senior one, the beautiful revenge seeker n thumb twindler who seeks respect only because she thinks she is not so Choti as compared to her CHOTTE n our one n only wise Chote , the one who expects others to be face readers , the one who is too Obstinate n ungrateful to have thrown up while he was still in his diapers n not asked for forgiveness yet n the one who despite of being Chote , raises his voice even when there’s no elopement n back stabbing involved 😆😆 ….the Raizada siblings have officially joined in as crazy ones too along with the famous gupta ones ……It’s only left to decide who amongst them are the more crazier ..

    Our wise n watchful Nani is just so lucky to have found Khushi for her chote , the great dentist with apparently no brains as assumed by someone , to look after her grand children’s dental health specifically….n the mad house too😜😜…..n she is kind enough to listen about unrequited love n broken relationships not once but thrice only because of certain MJ’S n not so good culinary skills n some wise use of earphones 😆😆 but thank God the universe conspired n our lover since the two decades , has made MJ his fan n loves the not so sweet dingling custards a little bit too much n since decades possess much more effective ways of sushing the wailings n endless speeches than using those useless earphones n guess what the lucky stuffed pingu worth so many missed darts , once again turned lucky for our khushi , to save her from not so very fainting spells , making her breathless n confused n silencing her in tricky ways 😘😘😂😂…….Can’t wait to know who will walk into this walkin guest room next to witness this beautiful moment 😜…guess who?? guess , guess😜??…… yup not the jewellery piece but the early arrived caring sister 😷, the one who stumbles on laundry bags n has no one yet to save her from her falls unlike her damsel in distress sister ..But no guesses here 😜, very soon some bespectacled man will be ready to catch hold of her while her next stumbling 😂😂😂….once again thank you dear for such an entertaing time ..love you😘😘😘❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hey there! After a while I’m commenting. I’m so sorry for that 😞
    Life was hectic with 6am-10pm extended working hours, then just when I was trying to take some time off for ‘me time’ my colleague fell a sick and will not be there for another three weeks💃 Whilst I apologize for venting out, all I can say is I don’t own a penguin like Khushi to bring me luck🙅🏻‍♀️

    Sooooo coming back to yet another fantabulous update; it seems like universe has conspired a big time with all the cosmos to bring two completely mad families together, so I suppose without any doubt we can say ‘match made in heaven’

    It’s beyond me how you even come up with such chapters! I so love this nani! Indeed as she claims SHE is the one who makes shots at home without any doubt. In a very subtle way she got a status quo of Khushi’s relationships, and Khushi being Khushi just gave more than she could ask for😁

    It’s seems like Anjali Raizada is also potentially exposed to some madness in the name of NK. But it sounded as if she has some complexity issues with being a divorcee and all. But nothing to worry when you have NK and KKG to do the job of convincing her!

    This Arnav is a charmer! I don’t think I have ever thought of a fictional character in that sense, but honestly the Arnav you have created has such a lot of charm within him. Leaving his lunch and coming just to ensure Khushi is ok, fussing over her left health and then finally as always catching her and depositing her on the bed☺️ So thanks to Khushi’s lucky charm, they are stuck in a very out of orbit dentist-patent moment. 😁 And I hope Arnav realizes now itself, well there are much more feasible ways to shut her talkative dentist off🤔😛

    Waiting for the story to unravel, and thank you for making me feel better with such a fantastic update! You are super talented❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey sorry couldn’t even ask. Hope you have recovered properly and you are feeling better now!
      And I noticed quite a few weirdly formed sentences in my comment above, so please ignore them, take care, sending loads of love ❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The comment was perfect, don’t worry about it. And yes, I’m all recovered now. Stupid weather and the flu season it brings along with it! Sigh! Lots of love right back ❤️


    2. Heyy! So good to see you here ❤️ Omg! 6 to 10?! Oh hun, you need all the good luck Pingus there are in the world. But for now, here’s a virtual hug from me 🤗 I hope it gets better, and I’m sure it will. Kudos to you for holding everything together and being a total boss!
      Needless to say, I heart your comment like always. Thank you so much for your super sweet words.


  24. awesome update.. loved it 🙂
    khushi’s antics are hilarious.. and naniji is indeed sharp.. loved her comments which khushi did not have a chance to think upon 😉
    and the penguin is indeed lucky 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Sabi…
    PI is giving tough competition to UE…

    Khushi has enough entertainment due to the visits from Arnav,Anjali,Nani n again Arnav..

    Naniji’s visit to the guest room clearly shows her interest in binding these two eccentric creatures to each other..
    Khushi..only Khushi can bring Khushi in her Khadoos grandson of hers..

    KKG is too talkative..
    Arnav is a great listener as he has no choice..

    i’ve literally no words to tell u how much i loved the update..

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Lol lol lol… I’m rofling.. arnav and yoga.. my goodness.. how can you come up with something like that, sabi.. nani and kushi’s convo is hilarious.. is she really going to suggest him??

    What a dysfunctional family or rather siblings.. nani is too happy to know that there is no one in kushi’s life..

    Eagerly waiting for the updates dear.. your updates always give me the needed respite from AD.. thank you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Omg, I just opened WP and saw the update! late late late!

    Anyhow, I really just want to keep reading but some of the parts are so good that I don’t wanna forget to mention them later so Imma comment and read again xD

    Okay, first off I don’t know why there’s a penguin (OKAY WAIT I KNOW WHY! It’s Khushi’s little squishy ARnav wanted to ask about but didn’t!!! HAHAHA I can’t wait to read more about that now! xD

    ANJALIIII!!! She said before she could scold Arnav for behaving like she eloped he “escaped” the scene (with that swag) and idk but this is so funnyyyy xD Anjali’s so done with her little brother like the older one. I’m dying 😂 Note: Anjali does not look apologetic at all upon her entry, asking Khushi about her fever, pfft xD

    Ohmygod Khushi just did not talk about that ponytail fight in front of Devyani! *horrified and laughing*

    On the how-my-past-boyfriends-ran-away topic, can I just say I love this Tommy Ji and his dog Manohar Jha? 😂 Creativity girl, creativity! 👏
    Wait, I totally love this Happy ji’s kissa too xD I really hope we get to read more about his adventures in the neighborhood lmao

    Marauder’s map is needed indeed lol.
    Piece of Jewelry has arrived! Wonder where Akash has been this whole time 😉 I’ll keep reading lol

    Yaaaaaaa 😾 I felt that “too bad you don’t have one (brain)” insult. Arnav’s so savage sometimes I swear 🤧 lol

    I’m living this Pingu story. My shoulders are shaking so bad. AND KHUSHI JUST CAN’T STOP TALKING FRKFBDJJ– I CAN’T– LMAOOO

    Noooo, it has ended! 😦 OMG I LOVED IT THOUGH!! Hahahah <<literally throughout lol. AH-MAYY-ZINGGG WORK Sabi!!!!

    P.S. Imagine a squishy penguin under your bed, smiling….. creepily! O.O


  28. Hi! i am so glad that i found your blog as i am a huge fan of your writing!!!
    I read your UE on India Forum and was hooked!!!
    I have not laughed so much …ever…..
    I love this story also but UE is my favorite…my first story of yours and all…..

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Read this on ff and tracked it here today and loved each and every chapter…. You are amongst the rare writers on these forums with a perfect command on the language and with absolutely the right dose of humour n romance wonderfully blended.. Such a refreshing story line.. Loving it and looking forward to more


  30. Loved every bit of it & especially Khushi’s lucky charm, the Pingu 🐧 🤣🥰🤗 Your old FF “Predictably Unpredictable”, I guess, is no more available on IF or elsewhere now. Can you please upload that ArHi FF here or on IF?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey hon! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments. I’m glad to have you here, and even more glad that you’ve been enjoying the stories 🤗. Predictably Unpredictable will hopefully be resumed at some point in the future so I’ve pulled it off from everywhere for now 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Arnav, Anjali, Arnav, Nani and again Arnav… So much resting for Khushi…
    Anjali was mad but can’t hide her happiness for certain delaying trip to her back home… Oohh wanna hear what had happened…
    Nani is darling.. Love her talk which is barely there with Khushi… I laughed so hard after hearing her breakup stories…
    And then she still have that strength to talk about that Certain Lucky Pingu… and why shouldn’t she have.. she was in HIS arms… not like walking on her own…
    And then Arshi Rabba Ve with no intrusion ( Pingu doesn’t count)

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Loved loved loved this story! I was hollering with laughter. Is Nihaal your favorite name? He was there in unexpectedly expected too. Anyway, this story proves no one writes comedy better than you as its difficult to make people laugh. I love the stories where arnav and khushi have known each other since they were kids. And this story has the perfect blend of their childhood and adulthood. I am looking forward to reading more of it. Please do try to update soon ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Deepa! ‘Nihaal’ for some reason, really appeals to me 😛 I loved writing his character in UE and couldn’t resist having one of him in here too. Haha! Thank you so much for letting me know that you enjoyed the story thus far 🤗💕

      Liked by 1 person

  33. Wow….this story is so cute and fun and had me squealing and giggling the entire night away! During this horrible quarantine situation… it’s nice to have found such a fluffy piece to indulge in! Thanks for the entertaining story ❤️😍🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Are we going to see how an unwell Khushi is faring/suffering at Shantivan in the care of “Arnav”? Or is it the other way round? Are we going to see how Arnav is suffering in the hands of three important ladies (sorry, two important ladies and one not so important, but soon to be the most important lady) in his life?
    I want to say, I can’t wait, but, would like to say I will wait until you are ready.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Omg!! This is the cutest story I have read!! So hilarious and amazingly witty!! Love this Khushi and Arnav!! 😘😘😘

    I haven’t laughed this much in a long time!! Absolutely wonderful writing Sabi!! Thank you!! Looking forward to how cement pile turns into a mush 😂😂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Anagha, welcome to the blog! 😀 I’m so glad you enjoyed reading the story so far and also very glad that Cement Pile is still remembered 😛


  36. Hey Sabi, what a fantastic update, you left me in splits!
    Simply loved it, I am re-reading UE on IF. Lost count of how many times I have read it. I will read it again once you upload it on the blog. Much easier navigation. IF sometimes is a pain!
    Take care and stay safe and please update US sooner than later! Pretty please🙏🏼😍😍
    Much love


  37. Omg 😆 amazing story interesting concept.. omg Khushi one piece person.. she crack me up 🤣.: she is so funny .. love ❤️ it .. Arnav is different.: they he act .. want to be around Khushi .. plus jealous to .: love ❤️ it


  38. Hey Sabi,
    I felt like reading a rom-com fiction work and decided to re-read Unexpectedly Expected. Now, I like to re-read fiction works if I have enjoyed and cherished the plot. I don’t mind you when I say I don’t venture into forbidden territories unless and until forced to. Be it watching new K-Dramas Or reading new fiction works on ArHi I won’t tread on the water unless and until tested. That explains why I have never read any fiction referred to by fellow readers and still have a long list of fan fictions I want to read.

    So, I was particularly feeling happy and in mood for some rom-com, Unexpectedly Expected (UE) came to my rescue! I had a perpetual smile on my face deceiving my mom into thinking I’m in love (jk). Before I forget I was reading UE on India Forums which I had abandoned a long time ago or so I thought.

    I read the whole fiction again for the 10th time and was aghast to find the epilogue shots missing though I knew there’s more to the story. I went on a mission to read the epilogue and found this blog of yours which I have been following for as long as I can remember unexpectedly expected.

    I discovered a whole new world of fictions and decided to read prescribed insanity because I do remember reading this sometime back. As I read the first chapter I somehow managed to read the first three chapters of Untold Stories after reading the first chapter of PI. It took me a whole three chapters to realize that Khushi the doctor is not divorced and working under Arnav for three years. Then began my hunt to find out what exactly I was venturing into. So, for my prescribed insanity I then skimmed through untold stories on to realize it’s under the works. I was visibly disappointed in myself for choosing an incomplete fiction to read.

    Now, the thing is I never ever for the love of God ever read incomplete fictions. It’s the wait for the next chapter that eats my soul. So mission untold stories was aborted.
    I then binged on prescribed insanity for all the lost sanity and lo and behold another incomplete fiction! I do not blame you for anything. Like I said before I like to test the waters before I venture out.

    The whole point of this long ass comment was for you to loose your sanity while reading.

    Happy reading! (The fiction not the comment)

    PS: can’t wait for the next update!
    Also, glad you made it till the end of the comment. 🙂 I’ve officially lost my sanity. (There you go using sanity for multitude of time)

    I should probably end the comment here I guess. 😂


    1. can you refer some of other fanfics?

      i really liked devi works and prescribed insanity. i would be eating up other Sabi’s works ofcourse. but please lmk if there is other good content around that i am missing


  39. God they all are truly a bunch of crazy people – adorable crazy. I wish this was completed though. My heart just breaks to get invested into a story only to realise that its hasnt been finished. In case you are still reading this, we miss you and this story.


  40. Hi sabi reread this whole story hilarious u are such a gifted writer where have u been don’t desert us . Please come back and finish this and untold stories . Pretty please


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