(Untold Stories) Chapter Thirty Four : Changes Reversible, and Irreversible Changes


“Your house is beautiful,” Arnav remarked, folding his arms and resting them upon the railing. They stood next to each other on the terrace and were facing the garden down below. The smell of cigarette smoke still lingered in the air – a reminder of the conversation that had taken place just minutes ago between Ashish Gupta and Arnav. Khushi hadn’t asked him what they had been talking about when she had walked in.

“Thanks,” she replied, smiling a little, but still looking ahead. “It looked even better before, when the upkeep was better. The place doesn’t look as well maintained as it once was.”

“Is it?” he asked, “How was it when you were here?”

Her eyes swept across the view that stretched before them, before she raised a finger to point at the boundary walls. “Well, my favorite tree is missing, for one. There used to be this giant mango tree near the entrance gate, over there. I have spent a lot of time on it.”

“Underneath it, you mean.”

“No, on top of it. Between the branches. I have been very good at tree climbing.”

She turned to face Arnav and laughed at the look of disbelief on his face. “Hard to imagine me doing these things, isn’t it?”

He shook his head. “No, it’s just—” He thought of saying something but reconsidered and left it that.

The smile stayed on her face, but turned wistful. “It’s hard for me too, imagining myself doing all that I’ve done within the confines of these boundary walls. This place is making it very difficult for me to reconcile who I used to be once, with who I have become.”

He remembered what she had said to him the previous night. I wish you had seen me then.

I’m sure you’re still the same,” he said. “It just doesn’t feel that way now, but it will.”

“And what if it never does…”

He shook his head. “Tough times in life don’t change who we are…they just force us to become who we need to be in order to face them.”

She turned to look at him.

“I was young when Mom Dad died, Anjali of course was younger,” he said, a faraway look touching his eyes. “I remember the night of their car crash. Don’t think I’ll ever forget it.”

Khushi felt her heart rise up to her throat for a beat. He had never spoken about the tragedy in his own life before. The one time it had come up between them, he had been reticent about it and had changed the topic no sooner than it had sprung up. She didn’t let her surprise show on her face, however. Instead she offered to him what they always offered to one another – a quiet support.

“I thought I’d never live through it…”

Khushi knew what that felt like – the fear that you might not live through something. That every day would just get worse than the previous one, but never better.

“But you did…” she said softly.

He nodded slowly. “But I did…As did you.”

“It’s not comparable, Arnav. You lost your loved ones. I cannot begin to imagine the grief—”

“No grief is comparable. There’s no measure to call one less than another.”

She went quiet. The morning breeze swept across their faces gently, and the leaves rustled on the branches of the trees that surrounded them.

“Nani came and told me about the incident. I went and broke the news to Anjali. Nothing made sense for days after. There was so much work to do that I didn’t have the time to grieve. There was a time, weeks after the tragedy when I thought we could never be who we were before Mom and Dad. I looked at Nani, Anjali, and everyone had changed. I felt like we’d all have to relearn ourselves and one another. That the change in our lives would be irreversible.”

“Was it?”

“No, it wasn’t…not entirely, at least. Nani began to laugh again. Anjali found friends and learned to not miss Maa for every little thing. The business had suffered a huge blow, but it staggered and found balance again, and then got even better with time. The house started seeing festivals and birthday parties…all the changes that had seemed quite permanent then, eventually dissolved with time.”

“…And you?”

He looked at her, and she searched his eyes for the answer.

“I’ve always been this way,” he said, a wry smile touching his lips. “Don’t raise your hopes up for a version any better than this one to show face someday.”

Khushi felt her heart squeeze inside her chest. Beyond his words, she could hear what he was perhaps not admitting to his own self, even after all this time.

“But what I mean is, that life did become a lot like it used to be once again. Of course, some changes cannot be undone and some voids can never be filled. I’m sure you feel that way about your Buaji, who like you said, was like a parent to you. But you did join work, get back to living life, and doing it all quite remarkably. You don’t have to go looking for who you once were. She is you, already…you’ll see it soon.”

Khushi remained quiet for a few moments, then said, “You say circumstances force us to become who we need to be, but they also make those around us box us into compartments, Arnav. ‘She is always anxious’. ‘He is always quiet’. ‘She is always careful’. ‘He is aloof’….Over time, we start living in these boxes we’re put into and making them our own. The lines between what is real and what is not begin to blur. You just don’t simply see yourself clearly after that, you have to go looking.”

She swallowed thickly, looking at him with eyes that now reflected the fear she had felt since the moment she had opened her eyes that morning. “And what do people like that, who have lost sight of their own selves, do to others?….They make a mess of another’s life. In their own confused state of mind, they become selfish, and fail to see that they’re bringing nothing other than worry, hurt, and danger to those who care for them.”

The effect of her words was swift and visible. The muscles tensed on his face, and his eyes looked at her with a telling gaze, showing full well that he had understood where she was going with this.

“What can a person like that do for someone else? When they can barely make sense of their own lives? How can they ever reciprocate…when…”


“Why did you put yourself through all of it yesterday?” her voice turned agitated. “Why did you go out of your way in trying to protect me? You could have gotten seriously hurt, Arnav. What if something had happened to you? How would I have ever lived with myself if something happened to you because of me, did you ever once think of it?”

He stepped closer to her, wordlessly. His expression was firm, and when he placed his hand upon hers where it rested on the railing and she tried to pull back, he refused to let go.

She stared at his hand that held hers in place. When she spoke, her voice was uneven. “When you came to me last night, I didn’t say any of these things, I know. I was tired and spent, and you just…when you’re with me, I just…” She was struggling with words. “I have become selfish with you…and it’s not just about last night, when I just unburdened on you not caring how it would—….in recent times, you’ve just kept doing one thing after another for me, and I’ve just…let you. When I have no right to, when I know that I don’t—that I can’t—”

Words died on her lips, for she didn’t quite have the courage to acknowledge in clear terms what exactly it was that she knew she couldn’t do for him. She drew in a shaky breath, and looked at him instead, hoping that her silence could fill the blanks where words could not.

The weight of his gaze remained heavily upon her, steady and unwavering. When he spoke, there was a marked change in his voice.

“Yes, you’ve been very selfish,” he said. “And yes I didn’t bring it up last night either, or until now, but that doesn’t mean that I am not angry or upset with you.”

She lifted her eyes to meet his, and struggled to meet the unnerving intensity in his gaze.

“How could you come here alone without telling me?”

She blinked in confusion and surprise, taken aback by his words.

“When you knew the guy was going to be here, and it could be dangerous, then how could you simply leave without letting me know? A text message doesn’t count… don’t even get me started on that. Had I, or had I not requested you Khushi, to not do this?”

“What are you sa—”

“Imagine my worry when I got a call from Lavanya informing me that you’ve simply up and left. All the way here I just kept worrying about the hundred different scenarios where you could end up seriously hurt. So yes, it was selfish of you.”

Her wide eyes expressed her disbelief. “Did you even listen to what I said, Arnav? It’s the opposite of what you’re saying.”

He took both her hands in the firm possession of his own. “What is it,” he asked her, his voice calm and low, “that you think you’re saving me from? What do you think has happened to me?”

His straightforward question, made a flush of embarrassment touch her face. When she looked away, he tipped his head sideward, unrelenting in his stance.

“Tell me, I’m curious to know your diagnosis given all these SOS distress signals you’re shooting in the air on my behalf. I don’t think I’ve said anything myself to cause such panic…have I?”

 “I don’t— I didn’t mean to imply that you’re— that something has happened to you. I mean, I know you don’t— you’re not—”

If she would have just lifted her eyes and seen him, perhaps she would have caught the smile that touched and left his lips at her very chaotic, obviously flustered response. It disappeared fast enough though, and when she looked at him once again, he had all the serious sincerity back in place on his face.

She shook her head. “I just mean to say that you shouldn’t worry about me so much…or go out of your way to do things that you really don’t need to…I can’t do this to you.”

“Can’t do what?”

The fight left her in one audible breath. She looked at him with an expression that laid her emotions bare. “I don’t have it in me anymore to feel responsible for disappointing one more person who matters to me. If I hurt you, in any way, I won’t be able to live with myself. And I will hurt you…because right now I have only begun to feel like a dreadful, horrible chapter of my life has closed…finally…and I can’t even  begin to tell you how it feels. I can’t even begin to imagine ever wanting anymore than this feeling. I don’t think I’ll ever want more…or be able to give more…to anyone.”

It was quiet for some long moments, as those words and their implication settled in the air between them.

At long last, Khushi felt his hands leave hers, his fingers slowly slipping away. Her heart ached in protest, furious with her. A sinking feeling began to settle, that perhaps in that moment, she had lost him. The sense of loss was staggering in its intensity. But she had to, she told herself. It was inevitable. She couldn’t start her life afresh on the foundation of false and misleading hopes. And if it meant—

She hadn’t finished the thought when the fingers that had left her hands, came to rest against the sides of her face. Upon his touch, her startled eyes flew to his face. His expression was of calm resolve and undeterred, a reminder that he wasn’t about to allow the distance they had covered, to unfold between them once again.

If Khushi wished to protest against the proximity and move back, her traitorous heart did not follow heed of her wishes. She searched inside desperately for the guilt she was convinced she should feel, the embarrassment that surely should set in any moment now, and the regret that should make her withdraw. Instead, she felt nothing but a soothing of nerves when the familiar cedar scent of him surrounded her once again. And when his finger lightly brushed against her cheek, she felt no difference in the effect that it had had on her frayed self the night before and now, in the present moment. Aghast, she realized that she felt no more inclined to step back, than she did to step forward, right into his embrace like the night before.

“Got it,” he said softly, his voice hoarse. “Understood. I’ll keep that in mind.”

She looked at him wordlessly, his voice drowning in the sound of her own heartbeats.

“I want nothing from you, other than what I already have. I do not expect anything more. I have not done anything for you that you wouldn’t have done for me, and I’m not doing anything so I can have something from you in return. If I did, I would not lie. Do you trust me?”  

He waited, before repeating the question. “Do you trust me, Khushi?”

“Yes,” she finally replied. “I do.”


70 thoughts on “(Untold Stories) Chapter Thirty Four : Changes Reversible, and Irreversible Changes

  1. I will get back to this as i forgot the story. So I need to read it from the first. Sorry. I was inactive for a long time in between. And i don’t remember which update I read last.

    Will comment back soon as I finish reading it back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lavanya and Arnav came to Khushi’s rescue. Shyam has finally been sent to a long stay in prison. Arnav found out that his Nani had refused Shashi’s proposal for his daughter Khushi’s marriage to Arnav and Shashi could not find similar p
      family as Nani told everyone that she had refused Shashi.
      Khushi is free of Shyam but she feels indebted to Arnav for coming to save her. She felt she would have managed to get rid of Shyam herself.
      Thank you sabi.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! What a beautiful update! I can never forget this story. Awwwww I am in love with this Arnav! Cannot wait to read further! The conversations between them are so deep! You have made my weekend. Thanks a million for the update!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fabulous chapter,Arnav is totally different when he is with khushi she brought a pleasant change in his personality and he is not going to let her go back so he made her realise the importance of her in his life and that he is not expecting anything from her and is content the way they are now.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank u for the update Sabi🤗
    Loved the conversation between them…. Can totally understand where khushi is coming from…. But arnav is resilient…. He’ll definitely make her feel again:)
    Can’t wait to read the romance unfurl between them!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t think I’ll ever have a better word than beautiful for any chapter of US.
    The most awaited conversation is here. I was holding my breath when Khushi was trying to explain herself but then Arnav’s reply came and I was smiling.
    Arnav knew what Khushi was implying yet he always has a wonderful reply which makes you wonder how wise (and witty) he is. His small gestures be it holding her hand for cupping her face, are so pure. I feel like Arnav will want her to accept her feelings without feeling guilty and now that she had her closure, they’ll work on her business plan.
    Also a new update was a good start to my Sunday morning, I read this before having my breakfast🌞🏃‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I never imagined you would make me cry Sabi. The way you wrote about people changing or not really changing after changes in their lives, that really touched my heart. Beautiful. I haven’t read anything more poignant in a long time.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful update.Loved their conversation. Khushi is scared of disappointing Arnav.Lived how Arnav comforted her by recounting his own miseries,giving her the silent strength. And then her I do,that’s all he wants.Looking forward to.next update.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi
    So glad to see this Arnav and this Khushi again. They have a special place in my heart for their strength and resilience. How I’ve wished for their happy beginning… Never an ending.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful! Love is hard! Especially when you have had such a hard life with no luck at love! 🤗🤗 Sigh. One step at a time!

    Glad they spoke!


    Liked by 1 person

  9. this has to be the most intense update of this story loved the conversation between them arnav sure has a strong character I simply love how you portrayed him beautiful 😍❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Sabi…what an awesome and an emotional update…I love your Arnav..He is really unique, so strong ,calm and soothing…Kushi is now in safe and loving hands of Arnav….Love this adorable couple of yours writerji…Eagerly waiting for the next one…Take care

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This was emotional. I could literally feel Khushi’s inner turmoil. She’s trying to protect herself and also save Arnav from a heartbreak. What she doesn’t realize is that she’s already in too far with Arnav.

    And I think Arnav has sensed that and is willing to wait it out? He is already in too far.

    From indifferent colleagues to unconditional support, their journey is so beautiful!

    Thanks for the update, Sabi. I can’t wait for them to truly realize their feelings and explore that facet of relationship 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. This was such a beautifully written chapter, Sabi. There is so much said and expressed between the two without words. The change in their relationship is evident. I was worried about Khushi putting up her walls back once the morning comes. But it was a pleasant surprise that she acknowledged what they share is more than just friendship. This realization has left her with mixed feelings. She wants it, but is too scared to embrace it. She is scared of disappointing Arnav, scared that she might end up hurting him. Scared that she may not be the woman that Arnav deserves. Scared that she could never be the person she once was. Somewhere in this whole journey, she has lost her own self and is probably not very hopeful to get the old Khushi back. She is worried of dragging Arnav into this gloom of hers. But little does she know that Arnav has no plans to leave her side. He understands Khushi perfectly well to know what she is going through. He has promised her his unconditional presence in her life without any expectations from her. After last night and her fumbling today he realizes that his feelings are reciprocated, but he also knows that it will be a while before Khushi can whole heartedly be ready to start the journey with him. Until she is ready, he only wants her to accept his presence in her life without having the pressure of being “deserving” of it.

    It was a brilliantly crafted scene, Sabi. That moment when Arnav leaves Khushi’s hands and the sense of loss she felt was so tangible!! I could literally feel the warmth of his hands leaving mine 😳🙈 It was almost like Khushi realized what her life would feel once she loses him. Love the way you make the scenes come alive with your words 😍💗

    Sorry it took so long for me to pen down my comment. I wasn’t able to find the right words to describe what I felt. I still haven’t. I also wanted to comment on Arnav opening about his past, but then words fail me. Can’t wait to know what you have planned for these two!

    Here’s a song that came to my mind (in hope of their bright future) –

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You pen your thoughts so beautifully, I refuse to believe that any searching for words has happened here. Thank you, both for the comment and for dropping in motivational reminders to get back to the story ❤😘🤗 Muah!!

      Tumsa mile jo koi rehguzar, duniya se kaun dare. Char kadam, bas char kadam, chal dungi sath tere 🎶 Adorable lyrics.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. “When you came to me last night, I didn’t say any of these things, I know. I was tired and spent, and you just…when you’re with me, I just…” She was struggling with words. “I have become selfish with you…and it’s not just about last night, when I just unburdened on you not caring how it would—….in recent times, you’ve just kept doing one thing after another for me, and I’ve just…let you. When I have no right to, when I know that I don’t—that I can’t—”

    These lines….*chef’s kiss* Brilliantly written, they put across her internal state so well…

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hey just saw that you updated. 😀💕. Great to see you back.
    I love your story and was hoping it would not end up being abondoned. But I must confess I will need to read a few of the last chapters before I am able to write a coherent comment.
    Thank you so much for updating it though 💕 hope you continue ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Loved the update, beautiful. A lovely conversation between Arnav and Khushi on perception, turmoil, living again and reconciling with the past. Love the trust line, Khushi has always unconsciously trusted, she voiced it and reaffirmed.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. When you left at chapter 33 part 1 and 2 sometime back, I kept imagining what and how Arnav and Khushi would talk when they met the next time… your update shows that my imagination was so insufficient … you have captured a poignant situation so nicely… the flustered Khushi and witty Arnav are priceless… in all the love stories that beautiful period of loving without having spelt it out loud.. sometimes from both sides ..i love those moments …in these moments …there is always a fear of even suggesting that the other one has any similar thoughts… embarassment if our reading of the other person is wrong…and the worry that the suggestion could probably destroy the status quo…

    Arnav and Khushi are not exactly in that state.. Khushi knows that Arnav has been doting on her for sometime now…and she knows what he means to herself… but while even a normal girl may think twice before proposing …this one is just coming out of a bitter marriage… her reaction is typical that way… to do the right thing for Arnav…she may not be able to pull up the courage to see what Arnav’s actions recently have been about…

    but Arnav has had the time and seems to have made the decision about his relationship with Khushi… its ok for him to accept whatever it is now… as he knows what it will lead into for sure… not hurrying or pressurizing her makes him adorable…he is a man a woman can trust herself with…

    not sure if anything above made sense…so a short summary…you are great at capturing human emotions and thoughts in words…and i loved the update…:D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Along with missing writing when I’m not frequently the blog, I truly miss reading such wonderfully thought out comments such as yours. Thank you so much, you should know of the joy it brings to me! 💕🤗


  17. Khushi so wanted Arnav to know the person she was from 3 yrs back.. The strong beautiful person that she (was &) is, is very scared of letting Arnav down.. I am so glad Arnav has seen through it..

    And also very happy that these two have acknowledged to each other that they are more than just friends atleast indirectly.. this is my fav part in the relationship 😍

    I m looking forward to the next one 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Wonderful update❤❤
    The chapter only based on the conversation between Arshi..
    You’ve expressed the dilemma of Khushi in a great way.. Her stammering and unable to express her feelings in words is so relatable, since we’ve shared her journey from.beginning..
    Waiting for next part eagerly to know what happens next❤

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Wonderful update Sabi. This is such a poignant conversation. Khushi lost hope in the sense, she believed that she can’t be her old self ever. The treatment from parents and the marriage with Shyam did that to her in what 5 years?
    Even when she picked up the pieces and started living the life the way she envisioned to live, she did not think she can become once again that Khushi who climbed trees once.
    Arnav in his OCD driven mind might have behaved rudely once, but, this Arnav will do everything in his power to bring her back. After knowing that she could have been his life a lot earlier, he doesn’t want to miss any more days without her.
    Lovely update.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Lovely chapter Sabi. Khushi’s turmoil to express her feelings to ensure Arnav’s safety but also she thinks this is all all she can give and she may not be able to give him more understood by Arnav and I loved his response back to her. He manages to calm her nerves but also assures her firmly he was not expecting anymore but he is neither going away.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. My heart is thudding rapidly looking at Khushi’s reaction to Arnav’s touch. The scar etched on mind two bullies are hard to erase. She will get there eventually,one step at a time. Arnav knows it. Beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I think i shud start reading from the start. But i just feel so sad for khushi that she is sooo reluctant and literally wants to protect arnav from herself coz she thinks she is unfair in burdening him and wont be able to do him justice. Arnav is just ❤️ and standing up to her father. Wow. Guts.. also im not sure if i commented before too. Haha. Miss youuuuu,,, hope you are well.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hi,

    Can I start by saying Thank you ? Loads and loads of thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing this amazing story. I remember reading it last year, when I was binge reading everything on your site. I loved seasons of love so much because of topic of books and story telling in that story. I forgot other stories until I got the email update of the untold stories.

    I re-read the story again and I am addicted. I read it twice again. Frankly I don’t know why I am so hooked. May be because lowkey it’s so real. So relatable. So want that kind of Arnav in my life.

    There is love at first sight, there is hate turning to love and then there is this type of love. Warm fuzzy feeling that spreads inside us. Slowly and steadily roots inside us so deeply without our awareness.

    I randomly select the chapters and read it for comfort 💜💜 may the scene where he teaches her how to swirl the pen, where he silently appreciates her food without words, where he reluctantly let go her on her last day, .. so much said in the unsaid.*big sigh*

    Love your writing 🤩🤩😍😍💜 you earned an eternal fan 💜❤️

    Pls update regularly mam.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. This was amazing writing. You touched upon more than a few things about life, how life circumstances, experiences shape our own thinking and behavior. But also how others judgement, thoughts may influence our own vision of ourselves when we are down.!

    Beautifully sketched the conversation between the two.. specially Arnav non verbal response to Khushi speech that she emotionally unavailable.
    Ps. Just realized that this was written few months ago and you may not remember all the details of this chapter. Or you may 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Heart touching conversation between Arshi …
    Khushi doesn’t think herself able enough to reciprocate his feelings…But he won’t ,he can’t let any thing come between them now..
    Lovely chapter,Sabi ❤


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